

adieu, oh-seven

I wasn't particularly in the mood to put down stuffs on my blog, especially lately. I'm enjoying much of "me" time and keeping things to myself. I've been spending more time on my paper journal than here.ü

But I do want to post something before the New Year goes in full swing. Haha!Maybe just to remove some cobwebs in here. (Uh-huh. OC-OC me... Hahaha!)

A few days before 2008, I started asking myself what are the things I want to work on, change, try for the first time, do-all-over-again and all those New Year resolutions thing that you can think of. Then it dawned to me, that New Year isn't as monumental as it really is. Truth is, it is just another day. Nothing different from all the others, except that the multitude of people think that it is. Tradition perhaps. But come to think of it, it really isn't anything special after all. In fact, we can even set a date o
ther than January 1 to reckon a period.

So, what is my point in stating that observation? Wala lang.

Seriously, I felt that I got in more practical view of life that the externals of life remain to be such. It is only us who impress meaning on things. We want certain days to be special; we build momentum; we create traditions. WE. If that is the case, then the January 1 is just another day still, but we can use its momentum to put meaning in our mediocre existence.

Everybody wishes everyone a Happy New Year.

In my case, I continue hoping that each day unfolds to be better for me, and everyone that is dear to me (and hopefully to others as well), not only every start of every Gregorian Calender year but in our entire stay on Earth (and beyond). I look forward to each day filled with bounty, love and peace. I expect little surprises that will blow me away and make me stand in awe on how things fall in their proper places according to the Higher Power that coordinates things for our good. In each day, I look forward to daring myself, learning new things, growing and constantly letting go of those which aren't beneficial after all.

During New Year's eve, we let off fireworks to brighten the dark sky with fancy shapes and colors. This year, I will paint my own dark sky and let the light stay.


For this year, I have decided to list down stuff that would want to accomplish, rekindle and try. Here's a sneak peek. I'll keep most to myself.

1) Rekindle my romance with my Camera and Languages (either I polish my Spanish or formally learn French)
2) Travel more. (How about another out of the country trip? Mwahahaha!)

....and a lot more.


ohme said...

tambien, quiero a revistar mis lecciones en espanol. hahaha.

jishinka said...

Cuando recuerdo, usted es mejor en español que yo. Hahaha! Nice.

Musta ka, Atty. Ohme?ü

ohme said...

bored and full of fear. i want my license to practice na!! hahaha.

jishinka said...

Onga, konti nalang yan.
I-claim mo na!ü