

one miracle

We pray for miracles when we feel that human efforts will fall short or when our perspectives start to turn bleak. We tell God, “Lord, I can’t handle this anymore. Please take over.” Normally, this is an expression of resignation, or through time, we learn to surrender as an act of faith (hopefully even before we exasperate ourselves by relying on our frail human efforts). Miracles sometimes happen by taking us by surprise like an avalanche of overwhelming, supernatural blessings. While often times they happen unnoticed falling in our lives in trickles. Nevertheless, they impact our lives just the same.

Miracles happen daily, every second even. Even in moments when we feel that nothing seems to happen, grace still abounds, working to give grant our heart’s deepest desires.

Today, I woke up with an apparently small miracle. However, this is something I have always prayed for all these years. Although I have always whined to God whenever I’ve felt He just kept on turning a cold shoulder on my request, I was embarrassed to discover how He have actually put things together all this time. It amazed me. He wasn’t turning a cold shoulder, He was working His way!

Once again, I realize that miracles aren’t all the big things, they also thrive in the small details of our lives. God indeed cares about what’s trivial. Miracles are in everything! We live a life of miracle and we ourselves are miracles because life happens not by our efforts alone but by God’s grace. Through all the asking and waiting, one thing remains: God is faithful to work miracles in our lives.

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