

first blah of the year

Just a few days ago, I received a text message from Butet. It read: "A wise man once told me that the antidote to depression is gratitude." Simple. Timely even.

I wasn't as vocal as I was about how I have been feeling lately (except about my nasty tonsilopharyngitis). I have to admit that I ushered 2009 with a heavy heart. Perhaps, one is because of the condition of my health. As for the other reasons, I rather keep them to myself. Although I am not entirely sulking, I just felt disconnected inside.

Until the SMS.

I was reminded that instead of whining over things that I am impatiently waiting to arrive, I should be rejoicing with what is at hand; that there are so much more in my hands over those that I wait to come; That no matter how imperfect the people around me are, I am blessed that there are those you bear with my idiosyncrasies; That while I am disappointed with the mistakes I committed, I am given the chance to improve; that it dawned to me that learning to let go is always easier than holding on.

Perhaps, I just needed to change my spectacles.

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