

faith walk

Today is Good Friday. As Catholics, we observed the remembrance of the Death of Jesus on the cross as His loving act of saving the whole mankind from sin. This is the greatest expression of God’s love showing each human person that He is willing to do anything even meet death for His love for each of us.

Yearly, I take this opportunity to have my personal retreat. I take some quiet time to reflect on where I am in life and to where I am headed. I look at the condition of my life and my heart. I speak to Jesus baring everything that is inside my heart and mind.

This is year is no different except for the fact that I get to meet my real self. For the previous years, I offer God highfaluting words which I thought express my worship and love. My faith was all in my head and I refused to be real before Him. But my God is patient, that even if he knew that I wasn’t presenting my real self He still meets me halfway.

My reflections this Lenten Season posed to me a harder challenge—that is to have a good look at my real self, and accept me with all its imperfections. Jesus have handed me a mirror for me to look at what is really beneath the surface I project. My heart is torn to know my real state! All these years, I know that I have been running away from the imperfections of myself. I suffered from the fear of rejection from others, thus, I cannot face the fact that I too cannot accept the person that I am.

I know that Jesus loves me, in spite of all my sins and weaknesses. I heard that Jesus still loves even those who are unlovable because He sees the beauty in each of us. I have seen Him accept those who were condemned. My walk of faith is feeble—I pray for more faith. More than that, I pray that I too learn to love myself just as Jesus does.

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