

my preacher in blue jeans

Today, one of my mentors is celebrating his birthday--Bo Sanchez.

My faith walk is greatly affected by Bo. It wasn't a breeze but for almost 10 years now, he has faithfulness to his mission, had definitely blessed me. I know the Jesus I now know because of him. He helped me experience a more loving and forgiving God. He shattered my crooked beliefs, he made me see things from a new perspective. He was my "kuya" in this faith journey. He has just inspired me more than anyone could have ever imagined.
Bo, as always, thank you for allowing God to use you to touch people's lives. Thank you for opening your self up to God's love so that others will be blessed as well. It rubbed off me, really. =) Thank you for ministering me through your books and teachings. I will always apprciate your letters too (and the gift for my last birthday! hehe). Thanks for being a friend. I am so blessed. May He continually bless you, Marowe, Bene and Francis. More years to come.

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